Tuesday, March 31, 2009

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

Ashley Smith

Monday, March 30, 2009

Jennifer passed away tonight at about 6:15. Services will be held on Friday, April 3. The church (name unknown) is on 51st Ave / North of Peoria. Viewing is at 9 am. The funeral service will be from 11-12:00. Burial will be immediately after. Lunch will be served at the church after the burial.
Jennifer has been moved to St. Lukes Hospice of Arizona at 19th St and VanBuren. At this point, she is comatose and in a lot of pain. I am told that she can hear you. There is open visitation for those that would like to see her.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'd like to share an experience that God permitted me to experience about an hour ago.

I went to the hospital to see Jennifer and her family and was just in time to gather around her bed for group prayer. When I walked into the room, Jennifer recognized me and gave me a little wave. Let me tell you that was a major change from early Thursday morning and I might add, a pleasant surprise. There is no question about it, she is still in critical condition and has a variety of life threatening issues that she is dealing with.

Pastor Jim walked into Jennifer's room just as we were about to pray, and most, if not everyone in the room (10-12) prayed. Touching conversations with our Lord, for sure. After our time of prayer, James whispered something to Jennifer and then he turned to Pastor Jim and said, "(paraphrased) Not to put you on the spot, but we were planning to renew our wedding vows this year. Would you mind doing that for us now? Our gracious pastor, being the "instant in season, out of season" man that he is, said he'd be happy to. So, he did! That my brothers and sisters is a classic example of God's timing and I praise Him for allowing me to be there. There were enough camera phones in the room that Jennifer wrote a note stating that there had to be a good shot in one of them.

Shortly before I left her room, Jennifer's nurse told her they were going to make a change on her breathing procedure to get a better reading on blood gases (if this layman recalls correctly).

Please continue to lift the family to the Lord for his strength, comfort and wisdom. James may be faced with making a gut wrenching decision soon.

George and Jan expressed there appreciation for the support of the Apollo family.

In His service,
Floyd <><
“..Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let is rejoice and be glad and give Him glory...” Rev. 19:6b-7a

Friday, March 27, 2009

Good news! They took Jennifer off the respirator and she's breathing on her own. Also, her fever is down and her lungs have cleared up. See you tomorrow, Jennifer:) We all love you!!!
Spoke to Jan this afternoon. She said the doctors are asking visitors to limit themselves to 2 in the room with Jennifer at a time, please. Jennifer still needs her rest. She is breathing on her own (with a little help) and even though she's had to write everything down because she's been unable to talk, she's still cracking people up. Way to go, Jennifer! She's still amazing everyone. All our love to Jennifer, James, Jan, George, Jason and all. Bunco Babes are planning a visit tomorrow morning and group hugs will be available for anyone who wants them. See you then:)
I spoke with Jason a little while ago and he told me that yesterday there were about 80 people in to see Jennifer yesterday. There were also 3 people from the church who were in the waiting room with their guitars, playing beautiful Christian music softly in the background. There were a lot of family members and friends there for support, up until about 10 o'clock last night. Jason also told me that Jennifer spent a lot of time yesterday writing notes to people, and that she still has her sense of humor:) I also spoke with Jan and she and George were on their way in to see Jennifer. She also told me how wonderful it was to see everyone yesterday and have the music in the waiting room. This morning Jennifer's lungs are filling up more with fluid and it has thickened more, so they are giving her meds to try to thin the fluid. She is in a lot of pain. Please pray for Jennifer to be relieved from her pain and be given comfort and peace. Pray for Jan, George, Jason and all of Jennifer's family and friends.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jennifer did get thru the night...What an amazing person she is! She is still on the ventilator, but is concious. I'm told that she may be moved into another room if they can get some of the liquid off of her lungs.

Don't forget to send in any encouraging comments, pics, etc for Jennifer and her family. I will make sure that they get your comments!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I wish that I had better news to report. I just received a call that Jennifer has made it thru surgery. However, she is not expected to make it thru the night. Here is the information that I have: At this time she is in ICU, and on a respirator. There is a hole in her intestine that has been leaking into her body (peritonitis). Jennifer's doctors found major cancer during her surgery. Her lungs have also filled with liquid, and she is having a hard time breathing. She is currently under heavy sedation.

Please continue to keep Jennifer and her family in your thoughts and prayers!
Latest update:

Jennifer will be undergoing surgery today at about 4:00. The doctors will be trying to attach good colon to more good colon. They will also be giving her a feeding tube. She will have a pain patch as well as a pain pump. The news that I have been given, is that there is cancer around her aorta, and possibly in her esophagus. The doctors will be going down her throat with a camera to try to see for sure. At this point her kidneys are not working, so she has a catheter. Her pancreas is also not working properly, so she is being given insulin every couple of days. I have been informed that there is a danger that Jennifer may not survive the surgery. If she does she may be able to go home in about two weeks.

Please keep Jennifer and her family in your thoughts and prayers today!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So, this pic might not be appropriate for everyone...but it was funny when it happened and I think Jennifer will appreciate it:) Jennifer making a phone call in Laughlin during our bunco trip...Good times! As you can see in the title, the mountain was making a phone call on the way home too!
Hi all,

I just got off the phone with Jan and here is the latest update:

Jennifer has been moved to Good Sam, because her surgeon and cancer doctor are contracted there. She is on the 12th floor and visitors are welcome. Jennifer's small intestine is blocked from the cancer, and the next step is for her doctors to decide whether or not to proceed with another surgery. If so it may be done thru laproscopy.

As I am sure you can all imagine, Jan has been very busy with phone calls...Jennifer has a big family and many concerned friends! Jan will be getting us information as it becomes available, and it will be posted here to keep everyone informed.

Prayers for Jennifer

As all of you know Jennifer Pinnick is back in the hospital. I thought that it would be nice if we started a blog so that everyone can add their thoughts and prayers for her and her family. Please let me know if you have an pictures, memories, or prayers that you would like to add so that we can get this to Jennifer and Jan along with our love and support!

I've started it out, and will let all of the bunco babes, friends, and family pick up from there...

Jennifer you are in our thoughts and prayers. All our love!
Jennifer Muench